Mini symposiusm, Friday 7th December 2007


The section "Ecologie van Aquatische Micro-organismen (EAM) of the NECOV (Nederlands Vlaamse Vereniging voor Ecologie, organises on Friday 7th December 2007  its annual mini-symposium with lectures and posters.


Participation is free (lunch at own expenses), but registration is obligatory (number of seats available, badgets, etc.). Register by sending an e-mail with your name and affiliation to (subject: eam 2007) before 1st December 2007.

Presentation of posters is encouraged: send the title of your poster to Klaas Timmermans ( before 9th November 2007.


Location: Roeterseiland, Universiteit van Amsterdam, building G zaal S01B (see map below)


Local host: Petra Visser, UvA.

Organiser: Klaas Timmermans, NIOZ, e-mail:


10.00 - 10.30: Welcome: Introduction, coffee, tea,

10.30 - 11.15:  Keynote speaker Christiane Lancelot, (ULB): "Ecologically-based reference for Phaeocystis colonies in Belgian coastal waters based on trophic criteria and ecological modeling"

11.15 - 11.35: Jolanda Verspagen (UvA): "Effects of variations in pCO2 on phytoplankton growth: a chemical-biological model of Microcystis C:N stoichiometry in chemostats"

11.35 - 11.55: Nicolas van Oostende (UGent): "Coccolithophore bloom dynamics shape bacterioplankton communities in the Gulf of Biscay (NE Atlantic)"


12.00 - 13.00: lunch


13.00 - 14.00: posters


14.00 - 14.20: Ina Severin (NIOO-CEME) "Nitrogen fixation in coastal microbial mats"

14.20 - 14.40: Willem van de Poll (RuG): "Responses of a green flagellate and a diatom to irradiance fluctuations during simulated vertical mixing"

14.40 - 15.00: Jacco Kromkamp (NIOO-CEME): "Photoprotection in marine micro algae"

15.00 - 15.20: Anouk Piquet (RuG): "Temporal and spatial variability in marine microbial communities of two Arctic fjords"


15.20 -16.00: continuation posters / discussion on FEPS (Federation of European Phycological Societies) and BNAV (Belgisch-Nederlandse Algologische Vereniging) / drinks


Posters: (more to follow...)

Edwin Kardinaal, Linda Tonk, Ingmar Janse,Suzanne Hol, Pieter Slot, Jef Huisman & Petra Visser. Competition between toxic and non-toxic strains of the harmful cyanobacterium Microcystis.

Klaas Timmermans , Marcel Veldhuis and Corina Brussaard. Cell death in 3 marine diatom species in response to different irradiance levels, silicate or iron concentrations.



16.00 h end of meeting






You are advised to come the Roeterseiland by public transport. The subway (Metro) is the easiest. Take the subway from Amsterdam Central railway station: all subways stop at Weesperplein (3rd stop). Take exit Roeterstraat, turn right (Valkenierstraat), at the end of this street you are facing the Roetereiland complex, then use the map (above).